Our mission

Fundación Oportunidad is non-governmental research-oriented organization aimed to get involved in the sphere of youth subjectivities. We focus on the new ways of subjectivation: How do young people think themselves? Which are the practices involved in this process? The main areas of intervention are youth and work. We think of "work" in a broad sense, not only as the latest ways of employment but also as the most recent ways of management and collective production.

Our philosophy

We believe that life expands and deepens. Life understood as an aesthetic scope of production opens up infinite opportunities. To plan is to design, to embark on, to think together about new ways of bonding and extend the living space.

How to do it?
To allow ourselves to be permeated by heterogeneity, to subtly perceive the power of the elements and figures surrounding us, the composition with others, to articulate disintegrated fragments, to find problems and common causes that bring enthusiasm, intuition and sensibility are required to put in motion great mechanisms which turn ourselves into others.

What we do

Our work of intervention and conceptual production subtly addresses how today young people give different meanings to employment, to the future, the different ways towards creativity and civic participation - just to name a few spheres we explore.
Perhaps the most paradigmatic example is linked to the concept of "vocation". Traditionally it was used to clearly define a set of interests and hopes regarding the future.
Currently, we notice that those representations were held in times when progress found its ground in the notion of lineal development. Therefore, drawing a project used to involve a series of predefined steps towards certain aims.
Today, the conditions have radically changed. Perhaps the most adequate image would be one of the Escher paintings, where the same stairway goes up and down, diverges and twists as a Moebius strip. We live in a fast changing world where "vocation" is not about something hidden that must be unveiled anymore - in the sense of an essence or substance that later takes form. On the contrary, all possible paths are to be built as they take different and simultaneous forms.

Executive management

Andrea Hellemeyer
Degree in Psychology, University of Buenos Aires.
Social psychologist. Primera Escuela de Psicología Social "Dr. Enrique Pichon-Riviere".
Professor and Researcher at the Department of Ethics and Human Rights. Faculty of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires.
Professor of the Master's degree in Bioethics at Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá - Colombia.

Board of directors

President: Miguel Angel Queralto
Secretary: Diego Ron
Treasurer: Marcelo Williams
Vocal: Fernando García Albarido
Institutional Consultant: Fabricio Kaplan


Coordination Team :
Belén Casas
Juliana Colángelo
Tatiana Godoy
Amalia González
Facundo Perez
Victoria Rouco
Federico Vallejos
Javier Zaltsman
Pamela Lecrerc
Gladys Skoumal

Institutional Supervisor
Osvaldo Bonano

Institutional Development
Flavia Navarro: info@foportunidad.org.ar
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